Замена системы управления аккумуляторами BMS -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Замена системы управления аккумуляторами BMS -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

04 Ноя 2022

The trend of electric vehicles replacing fuel vehicles has been clear, and the investment in batteries in the whole industry has also been emerging one after another, with repeated heavy investments. However, BMS has not made much progress. However, with the increasing number of power lithium batteries, the change of BMS will gradually come.

Before explaining the changes of BMS, the next general rule is discussed: the development path of complex products. Complex products refer to products with complex customer requirements, product composition, product technology, manufacturing process and use management. Although not all BMS products meet the requirements, most of them do. What's more, how to realize some functions and whether the method is correct are still controversial. From this perspective, small and complex products are safe.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The development path of complex products mainly includes three steps:

1. Functions meet;

2. Expandability (connectivity) enhancement;

3. Standardization.

If the whole process repeats, it means that the product has a long life cycle and can continuously absorb new technologies to meet or create new needs. Take the mobile phone as an example. At the beginning, it was a big cell phone, an analog phone with few functions. It could only make voice calls. The market was dominated by Motorola. If there is no digital technology, the simulator has basically reached the stage of standardization, no updated functions, and no other equipment will be connected. A relatively stable market is still developing, but the product is basically stagnant. Fortunately, with the advent of digital technology, mobile phones have begun a new life course. SMS, MMS, video call, mobile phone is like an octopus with eight claws, and it began to develop a variety of connection methods with other mobile phones, which opened the scalability of the product.

After the emergence of the system, software functions have been enhanced, new scalability has emerged, and Bluetooth, cameras and other devices have become standard configurations integrated into mobile phones. At this time, Nokia and its Symbian system, the early stage of smart machines, dominated the market. With its touch screen and IOS system, Apple began to enter the mobile phone market.

The appearance of APPSTORE has connected mobile phones and developers. Through the establishment of new scalability, software functions have been greatly enriched. Mobile phones have established more extensive connections with other devices, further enhancing the scalability. With the upgrading of scalability, Apple killed Nokia and entered the middle stage of smart phones. When more scalability (connectivity) reaches a certain amount, there is an ecology. Google has learned from others and launched a more open Android system and Android market.

Since then, the mobile phone has entered a relatively standardized stage as the two ecosystems of IOS and Android compete. The software functions are still developing, and various APPs are also emerging, but the hardware functions are basically unchanged. There are only two systems. The most introduced in the manufacturer's press conference is the hardware performance, which is the mature stage of smart computers.

From the development history of mobile phones, we can see that function is the primary stage of product development, and scalability is the advanced stage of development. Of course, not all products need scalability. When scalability reaches a certain level of quantity, there is an ecology. This ecological center or entrance is the key point for all enterprises. At the standardization stage, for products, the overall situation is basically determined. However, with the emergence of new functions, if it can drive the update of scalability, the product will get new evolution. There are two important factors that stimulate product evolution. The emergence of new technology and significant changes in the external environment of products often complement each other. At present, BMS is facing such a node.

From 20000 new energy vehicles in 2013 to 820000 new energy vehicles in 2017, the battery capacity is expanding, and the number of used batteries is also growing rapidly. According to the data of China Battery Alliance, it is estimated that the theoretical retired power batteries will be 5.14 GWh in 2018, and 48.09 Gwh by 2023. In August, the Interim Measures for the Administration of Recycling and Utilization of Automotive Power Batteries for New Energy Vehicles will be officially implemented, requiring automobile manufacturers to assume the main responsibility, establish recycling channels and carry out echelon utilization. At the same time, the new energy subsidy has declined sharply year by year, and the battery price is falling continuously. 
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