Прорыв в узком месте литиевых аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Не удается преодолеть узкое место литиевой батареи? -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

26 Сен 2023

In recent days, there has been a lot of discussion about the first half data of new energy vehicles. According to news released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, my country's new energy vehicle production increased significantly in the first half of the year. Looking at such bright data, many people will feel more confident. But in fact, the development of new energy vehicles is still full of hidden dangers, and batteries are one of the most important factors limiting development.

Recently, at the 4th China Electric Power Development and Technology Innovation Academician Forum hosted by China Electric Power Research Institute, Yang Yusheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, proposed that the development of electric vehicles depends on batteries, and the development of electric vehicles depends on the "power" of batteries. , otherwise you may face greater danger.

"Under high subsidies, pure electric buses have developed abnormally, and they are found in various cities, causing serious losses to the country." He pointed out that using the current high-energy lithium-ion batteries, the reasonable design mileage of pure electric buses is about 150 kilometers. Longer mileage requires more batteries, the body is heavier, wastes energy, and safety is poor. For example, the battery of BYD e6 weighs 700 kilograms and consumes 19.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity per 100 kilometers; Tesla also burned down 7 vehicles in 2 years due to the large number of batteries and poor safety.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Compared with pure electric vehicles, Yang Yusheng prefers extended-range electric vehicles because the generator charges the battery while the vehicle is driving, and the battery always runs between half-charged and half-discharged. The advantages of this state are that the internal resistance of the battery is minimized and the heat generation is small; it is safe and secure when it is not overcharged; it has a long cycle life when it is not discharged; it reduces the problem of inconsistency; it can simplify the power management system, etc.

"Beijing promotes the development of pure electric vehicles and believes that extended-range electric vehicles also burn fuel and are not environmentally friendly. But I think that if all vehicles in Beijing are converted to extended-range vehicles, half of the fuel consumption can be saved immediately. This is easier to do. But it will be difficult to replace half of all cars in Beijing with pure electric vehicles," he said.

Another type of vehicle that he believes should be vigorously developed is small short-range electric vehicles. He disagrees that many people now compare the driving range of electric vehicles with traditional vehicles. "The specific energy of batteries is about 50 times smaller than that of gasoline. It is difficult for electric vehicles to reach the level of traditional vehicles. The battery power must be measured." "We will vigorously develop small short-range electric vehicles to achieve green and energy-saving purposes. But now this kind of vehicle has not obtained the 'birth certificate' and is still a product." He said regretfully.

Regarding the development of my country’s battery industry, Yang Yusheng gave four suggestions:

The first thing is to put safety first and not pursue high specific energy one-sidedly. Batteries are energy-containing devices and have varying degrees of danger. There is no absolutely safe battery. However, there is a big difference in safety. We should give priority to using high-safety batteries, rather than sacrificing some specific energy. Lithium-ion batteries need to increase their specific energy, but pay special attention to safety first. At the same time, the design of large-scale power storage must be controlled to avoid chain reactions; safe operating procedures must be adhered to during use, and abuse must not be allowed. Abuse will have a great impact on battery life.

Secondly, we must pay attention to environmental issues, because batteries use chemical materials and improper handling will pollute the environment. But Yang Yusheng disagrees with the view that many people now believe that lead-acid batteries pollute the environment and lithium-ion batteries are green.
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