Прорывные материалы решают проблему -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Прорывные материалы решают проблему отвода тепла аккумуляторов -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

17 ноя 2022

It is reported that the joint research team has developed a proton conductor for fuel cells. The conductor is based on polystyrene phosphoric acid and can maintain high proton conductivity at up to 200 ℃ and without water. The researchers of the team are from Los Alamos National Laboratory, the University of Stuttgart, the University of New Mexico and Sandia National Laboratories.

Fuel cell is a promising technology, which can convert hydrogen into electricity through electrochemical process, and only drain water. Yuseung Kim, the project leader of Los Alamos, said: "Although the highly efficient fuel cell electric vehicle has been successfully put into commercial use, to develop the next generation fuel cell platform and develop it for heavy vehicles, further technological innovation is needed. One of the technical challenges facing fuel cells at present is the heat dissipation problem caused by the chemical reaction of fuel cell thermoelectric discharge."(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

At present, fuel cells are operated under high battery voltage to meet their heat dissipation requirements. In order to build an efficient fuel cell engine, the working temperature of the fuel cell stack must be at least the same as that of the engine coolant (100 ℃). Kim said: "We think phosphating polymer is a good choice, but it will form unnecessary anhydride at the operating temperature of the fuel cell, so the previous materials cannot be used.

We have been focusing on the preparation of phosphonated polymers that do not form anhydride. Researchers at the University of Stuttgart prepared this material by introducing fluorine into polymers. It is exciting that we now have membranes and ionomer adhesives that can be used in high-temperature fuel cells. "

Ten years ago, Atanasov and Kerres developed a new synthesis method of phosphatized polypentafluorostyrene, including (I) polymerization of pentafluorostyrene through free radical lotion; (2) The polymer is phosphatized by a nucleophilic phosphating reaction. Surprisingly, this polymer shows better proton conductivity than Nafion when the temperature is higher than 100 ℃, and has excellent chemical and thermal stability when the temperature is higher than 300 ℃.

The two men shared their research results with Kim of Los Alamos. Therefore, Kim's team developed a high-temperature fuel cell using phosphated polymer. When the membrane electrode assembly is integrated with the ion pair coordination membrane of LANL, the fuel cell using phosphated polymer shows excellent power density, which is 1.13Wcm-2 at H2/O2 and can remain stable for more than 500h at 160 ℃ Kim said: "It is a milestone that the power density reaches above 1Wcm-2. It can be seen that this technology is likely to be commercialized."
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