Новый катализатор с активной оболочкой для жидкого топлива - литий-ионное аккумуляторное оборудование

Новая оболочка ядра катализатора для литиевой батареи на жидком топливе - оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

17 ноя 2022

Recently, scientists from the Brookhaven National Laboratory of the Department of Energy (DOE) and the University of Arkansas developed an efficient catalyst for extracting electricity from ethanol, which is a liquid fuel easy to store and can be generated from renewable resources.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The catalyst described in the Journal of the American Chemical Society controls the electro oxidation of ethanol in an ideal chemical path, thereby releasing the full potential of stored energy of liquid fuels. The brookhaven Lab members of the research team developed and characterized a new core-shell catalyst for the complete electrooxidation of ethanol.

"This catalyst can change the rules of the game, making ethanol fuel lithium ion battery a promising high energy density" off grid "power supply," said Jia Wang, a chemist at Brookhaven Laboratory in charge of this work. One particularly promising use: unmanned aerial vehicles powered by liquid fuel lithium-ion batteries.

"Compared with the battery, the ethanol fuel lithium-ion battery is light. They will provide enough power for the use of liquid fuel to operate UAVs. This liquid fuel is easy to refill between flights, even in remote areas," said the relevant person.

Most of these pathways lead to incomplete oxidation: the catalyst keeps the carbon carbon bond intact, releasing fewer electrons. They also strip hydrogen atoms early in the process, exposing carbon atoms to the formation of carbon monoxide, which will "poison" the ability of the catalyst to be used over time.

"The 12 electron total oxidation of ethanol needs to break the carbon carbon bond at the beginning of the process, while the hydrogen atom remains attached, because hydrogen protects carbon and is on the alert to form carbon monoxide," Wang said. Then, multiple dehydrogenation and oxidation steps are required to complete the process.

This new catalyst combines the active elements in the magical core-shell structure that Brookhaven scientists have been exploring for a series of catalytic reactions, accelerating all these steps.
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